Ep. 3: Night Bus by Scott Dorward

After encountering the strange life forms that…live?...in this other world, the survivors now have more questions than they have answers, and at least one of them appears to be missing their body. With time running out, they all try desperately to get themselves back home, whatever the cost. What does the mysterious entity in Gracie’s body want? What’s with the glowing crystal balls? And who’s going to be the first to try to murder Freddy?

Night Bus is a Call of Cthulhu 7e modern day podcast series made for adult audiences.

Content Warnings: Violence, Profanity, Body Horror

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This is a dialogue-only series without music and sound fx.

Night Bus written by Scott Dorward
Keeper of Arcane Lore: Scott Dorward

Player Characters
Kat Edmonds as Gracie
Danny Scott as Jack
cuppycup as Frankie

Transcribed by: Sabrina Haenze and Sonix.ai


Ep. 1: Bleeker Trails - First Act


Ep. 2: Night Bus by Scott Dorward